Proof That Dogs and Cats Get Along
By Paige

Image from Sephiroty Fiesta
It has long been assumed that cats and dogs just don’t get along.
However in many cases it seems to be a false assumption, because the two have been known to become BFF.
Dogs are pack animals, and friendly by nature, and cats like the attention (as long as they are in the mood, of course) so really they are a destined match. Until, of course, the cat looses interests and walks away.
We Can Prove It
Don’t let the stories fool you, they get along and we’ve got proof.
Image from Qole Pejorian
Image from Petteri Sulonen
Image from Dimas
Image from pt
Image from Yukari*
Image from -Alina-
Image from Little Orange Crow
Image from Many Cats 4 Me
Image from Jeff Weston
What made us thing they didn’t get along in the first place? Looney Tunes cartoons?