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Rooftop Dogs

By Paige

Rooftop Dog

Image from Tonto & TLL

We look through a lot of dog images and those that strike us as interesting get stashed away for future posts. This is perhaps one of our favorite posts so far, simply because it’s such an unlikely story.

Strange Creatures

Dogs are, by nature, alert & territorial animals. They like to be in a position that allows them to see the landscape around them so they can effectively protect their territory. Although at first it seems like such a strange place to find a dog, they look quite at home on rooftops of all shapes & sizes.

So their presence on the roof actually makes sense in a strange way – what better place to watch for the mailman?

Rooftop Dog

Image from Bright Tal

Rooftop Dog

Rooftop Dog

Image from doublebug

Rooftop Dog

Image from Ex_magician

Rooftop Dog

Image from MsAnthea

Rooftop Dog

Image from TedsBlog

Rooftop Dog

Image from byrdiegyrl

Rooftop Dog

Image from amalthya

Rooftop Dog

Image from Carol Browne

Really Now…

It’s no wonder dogs enjoy hanging out on the roof, some of them have the best view in town. Something makes us think that dogs are a lot smarter than we give them credit for! πŸ˜‰ Stay tuned because we’ve already got part two prepped to go & if you liked these pics you might also check out dogs in motion.

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